When was the last time you looked at your business in the mirror? What did you see? Did you see a bargain basement type of consulting service or was the reflection back at your show the cream of the crop consulting business? Over the past few months I have been studying many small business and purchasing services and goods on the cheap against paying top dollar for the best quality goods and services.I purchased a pair of no name shoes from a local discount shoe store; you know the ones at the malls throughout North America a few years back. I believe I paid around $40.00 for a pair of dress shoes that were made from fake leather. Over the next few weeks these shoes wore out at an alarming rate, the heels were down to nothing very rapidly and caused some minor discomforts with my back and feet. Needless to say I needed another set of shoes rapidly, this time I decided to invest in a great pair of shoes from a retailer who only sold the best quality products. Being an IT consultant I do a lot of walking around our downtown meeting with clients during the course of the business day, so I welcomed the higher quality product.The next pair of shoes was an investment of around $250.00. Why do I say investment over purchasing? Three years have now passed and I still have those shoes, and recently I had to re-invest another $40.00 to have them resoled. I invested $290.00 over the course of three years for a highly quality pair of shoes that will continue to last for many years to come. In the long run, investing in the best quality has actually cost me less than going for the cheaper alternative, which would have been $40 x 10 to be on the forgiving side.Do you look at your business services in the same light? Are you the discount store or the higher end shoe store? What would happen to your business if you played in the first class crowd? What type of clients would you attract? What time of customers would stay away from you? These are tough questions for the average computer consultant to answer, however for the health of your business; you must go through this exercise.Many small businesses in today’s global market need a systems consultant who plays with the best, understands what the best solutions can do for a business and understand what deploying the right solutions can do for their own business. Just like my pair of shoes, businesses today must invest in first class technology and also invest in the best solutions partner. The cheaper alternative just doesn’t cut in today’s always connected world.Small Business today can no longer tolerate outages due to not having the right services and solutions, however, it is alarming how many businesses still today rather purchase the cheaper alternative rather than invest in the right solution. Are these the clients you want in your business? The successful and leading IT solution providers have a crystal clear vision of who they want to do business with.Small Business IT Professionals must be very clear on the clients that they want to service, just like offering first class services; you must have first class clients. When you have this crystal clear picture of your ideal client, then you can take the next step forward to invest in the right technology partners to help you start playing with the best. There are a number of technology firms in today’s world that range from the cheaper, low cost alternatives right up to the cream of the crop technology partner. Where do you want to play?There is always room at all levels, however, the leading Microsoft Small Business Specialist and technology professionals who decide to go first class will enjoy a business that is satisfying, fulfilling and provides them with the lifestyle that breeds continued success. Those IT Professionals who elect to play with “bottom feeders” will struggle, work longer hours and have a revolving door of customers as their cheaper solutions fail in the market and their customers graduate to a newer standard.For those partners that wish to graduate to the next level there are a number of places to turn to assist you in moving up to play with the best. Mentoring, business coaching and peer groups exist across the globe to work with you in achieving your business and life goals.Don’t be afraid to let customers know your standards when you elect to play in the first class world. Your message must be very clear across all of your corporate messaging, marketing, sales literature and any other documents that your business sends out. Don’t be afraid to say no to the business out there that do not value the services that your business can offer to them or do not want to play by your rules of engagement. It is critically important that your business has a clear and defined client picture. When you are clear on the clients you want, they will start to appear and when this happens you will create a fulfilling business.
Author Archives: admin
Digital Vs Film Photography – What’s Your Best Bet?
There’s a good chance that today’s high school students do not even remember film cameras-loading the roll of film, taking the pictures through a viewfinder, getting it developed, and receiving both the pictures and negatives in return. However, all of them probably have cameras on their cell phones and another digital camera of their own, which they can work with such skill and precision that allows them to show the world the pictorial version of their lives via Facebook. With all of the fancy options available within the tiny box that we call digital cameras, do they really meet the quality of their original film counterparts?Film camera users may look at the “pros” of digital cameras with distaste, and digital camera users may not be able to see any benefit at all to using old-school film. Whether you are a snooty purist who loves having negatives and point-and-click cameras or a control freak that enjoys the instant gratification of digital cameras, you must take a look at the pros and cons of both camera types before you denigrate the opposite camera.Digital photography is a wonderfully convenient development. You have the ability to see a copy of the just-taken picture on the digital screen of the camera, determine whether you like it or not, and delete orĀ keep it. Some digital cameras allow you to switch back and forth from color to black-and-white to sepia and back. Other digitals give you even more effects, such as having everything in black-and-white except for a color you choose to enhance, such as blue if you are taking a picture of a person with blue eyes.Film photography captures the true, beautiful essence of whatever you decide to photograph. The quality of photos taken with older film cameras is decidedly higher than the printed-off digital counterparts. Also, film cameras are still cheaper than digital ones. Of course, digital cameras are constantly decreasing in price, but when compared feature-to-feature, film cameras offer more bang for your buck. Additionally, it is now possible to get your prints taken with a film camera put on a disc.Either way, with the variety of both digital and film cameras available, you should be able to find exactly what you need based on your desire for quality or the ease of instantly uploading your pictures to your computer. A camera is an excellent way to capture your memories or create wonderful works of art. You even have the option of turning your photos into canvas pictures.
Fitness – Must Reading
Quest FitnessYour Six Pack Quest is one of the newest fat loss systems. There are several reason to try it. This program is for individuals who have committed to losing weight. The program will work for you if you work for it!Persons willing to make a 100% sacrifice will succeed. You have to make time to fit this program into your schedule. This means starting at 5:00am, if necessary.Don’t let age be a deterrent. Age does not cause us to gain weight. The fact is that we lose muscle as we get older. This is usually do to inactivity.Fitness BooksFitness books and other fitness related medias is big business. Several items should be considered before purchasing this material. However, the two most important are scientific accuracy and personal lifestyle.Scientific accuracy means that the subject is base on accepted principles and factual evidence. Quick fixes and dramatic promises are recipes for physical disaster. The fitness books you consider must align your needs for exercise, diet and health related issue. Always consult a doctor be for starting any program.Health and FitnessSince the dollar does not stretch nearly as far as it used to, here are a number of ways to save on your health and fitness equipment purchases. Search the internet. Do your comparative shopping at home.Such for used and refurbished items. This can be accomplished on-line, through local newspapers and specialty newspaper such as “The Thrifty Nickel” and in garage sales.Visit retail outlets and start the negotiating process. Take one store’s best price to the next. Get their best price then go to a third. This will work well if you are close to the month end or special times of the year, such as Christmas.Fitness TrainingYou can choose from a variety of personal training fitness programs geared to beginners or expert level of education. Some require years to complete, others only a few months. Programs include sports training and advanced training, mind and body therapies, as well as nutrition and weight management, and individualized coaching courses.Many programs provide workshops, seminars and continuing education classes. Subject include: resistance training, program designs, biomechanics and preventive healthcare and nutrition.Students can earn a diploma from course completion. National certification is obtained by meeting eligibility and educational requirements, as well as passing the NSCA Personal Trainer Certification exam. Most must also pass CPR and AED training courses.Careers in fitness training include health instructors in health resorts, fitness clubs, aerobic clinics, physical therapy centers, and other wellness and health-related facilities.Health and FitnessFitness training has changed dependent on body physiology. If may need a personal training if your current program does not produce the results you wantsMost professional gym automatically assign a personal trainer when you join. A coach will tailor a program to your specific needs. They will identify areas of the body that need toning. In doing so, a trainers will help with choosing equipment and provide proper use of that equipment.A certified fitness trainer will provide knowledge about diet, anatomy, nutrition, and physiology. Diet charts are often a helpful part of an effective fitness program. A personal fitness instructor will also help you maintain motivation and steadfastness throughout your exercise workouts. workouts through a combination of various exercises.